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Friday 15 August 2014

Working to Win by Sean Michael

Together for more than six years, lovers Jason and Bryan rarely see each other anymore. Their jobs are running them ragged and keeping them apart. It’s gotten so they barely even communicate.

But a trip to a winter cabin for a long weekend, a last-ditch effort to rekindle their romance, reveals a side to the two men the other never knew existed, and their weekend suddenly includes power-play games.

Is this new aspect of their relationship doomed to fail, or will it help them find what they both need to make their lives work again?

Genres: Gay/Contemporary//BDSM (Light)
Heat Level: 3
Length: Extended Amber Kiss (14k words) 

Read a short excerpt...

...The sound of wood filling the wood box startled Jason. It seemed weird, thinking of his perfectly composed, classy lover carrying and stacking wood.

God, what was he going to do? He’d been in love with Bryan for years. He needed this long weekend to work.

By the time the hot chocolate was done, Bryan was back in and working on getting a fire going.

He headed into the living room, a mug in each hand. “Hot chocolate with marshmallow floaters.”

“Please. It’s nippy.”

“It’s ready.” He sat on the couch as the fire flared into life. “Way to go.”

“Thanks.” Bryan got everything settled, then stood and took off his coat and hung it up.

“Come sit.” He held the mug up to Bryan.

Bryan sat, hands wrapping around the cup, and drank deeply.

Jason drank more slowly, watching his lover. “When we’re done here, I think we should go take a nap. It’s been a long time since either of us has had a decent night’s sleep.”

“Do you think the fire will be okay?”

“It should be fine with the grate over it.”

“Okay.” Bryan nodded, staring into the cup.

“You looking forward to our weekend?” Jason asked, needing connection, attention.

“I’m looking forward to spending time with you.”

Jason smiled, felt it honestly pull up the corners of his mouth. “Me, too. Spending time with you, I mean.”

Bryan finished his cocoa and headed to rinse out his cup and the pot.

Jason followed, watching his lover. “Okay, babe. Let’s go get a nap, okay?”

“I’m going to clean up and watch the fire a few. I’ll be in.”

Watch the fire and check emails no doubt.

Jason shook his head. “No, we’re going to go nap together, even if I have to tie you down to get you to stay in bed.”

Bryan’s near black eyes flashed over to him, one eyebrow arching. There was sudden, sharp heat, the air electric.

No way. No fucking way.

Jason had been into the scene before he’d taken over the factory for his father. He just hadn’t had the time after that. So it had never, ever come up with Bryan. His straight-laced, buttoned-up lover.

Holding Bryan’s gaze, he tested the waters. “I might just tie you up anyway.”

“You’re adorable.” Bryan looked away, cheeks heating...

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, what an enticing extract and I love the cover of this book quite a nice look suit and tie, with no shirt :) I like the hint of the light BDSM element and it may reconnect two lovers who have not had the time to be together and move their relationship onwards making it stronger.

    Thank you for a chance to win this set of winter related books, I really look forward to having a chance to read them sooner than I expected. I also love Sean Michael's books, so would love to add another one to my collection.
