Knights and the ideals of knighthood appeared often in medieval and Renaissance literature, and have a sizable niche in literary romance. Some notable examples would be The Song of Roland by Geoffrey Chaucer, and Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote.
Who can forget the Knights of the Roundtable?
A Knight was expected to be a brave warrior and to always act in a courteous and professional manner in military affairs. Knights were accorded respect even from their enemy. When knights were captured as prisoners of war, usually they were given comfortable accommodations until exchanged for ransom, unlike a common soldier.

In the Lusty Knights of Blaze, Dustin Porter is one such knight. He represents the romantic notion of the knights of old, possessing nobility that speaks to honor and duty.
I set the story in a time unknown in a fictitious land because I wanted Dustin to be a shining example of what we’ve come to expect from a Knight. Dustin embodies all the romance and bravery that comes with his station in life, and I’m sure the reader will fall in love with him right along with Karnal.
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I think I prefer the romantic view of knights and I do enjoy a tale that reflects this. But sometimes there has to be a balance with the quintessential bad knight or king, which gives our hero the chance to save the day, the love of his life and defend his king and land. Yea methinks this tale sounds a good one, thank the all for a chance to win this set of knightly tomes :)