The end of the week means the end of our giveaway. Who's the lucky person to win a copy of the entire copy of the I Know What You Did pax collection? It is...
Jim Evans!
We have your email address, so expect a message from us very soon.
Thank you to everyone for taking part in celebrating our new release!

What Are AmberPax™ Collections?
Simply put, AmberPax™ Collections are groups of five stories centered around a specific theme. Each story within an AmberPax™ is released individually, on the same day as the others, and can be purchased separately, but these five stories can also be purchased as a single unit (the full AmberPax™) at a discount, currently 25%. Generally, an AmberPax™ is similar to an "anthology" of stories, but instead of the titles being released in only a single volume (file), they are also available individually. These AmberPax™ Collections are sold exclusively through our website and only in electronic format.
THIS BLOG is for news about the Pax Collections - follow it to keep up with releases, find early news of the upcoming collections, and share Pax fun and chat with the authors!
All Amber Paxes can be bought at Amber Quill HERE.
Simply put, AmberPax™ Collections are groups of five stories centered around a specific theme. Each story within an AmberPax™ is released individually, on the same day as the others, and can be purchased separately, but these five stories can also be purchased as a single unit (the full AmberPax™) at a discount, currently 25%. Generally, an AmberPax™ is similar to an "anthology" of stories, but instead of the titles being released in only a single volume (file), they are also available individually. These AmberPax™ Collections are sold exclusively through our website and only in electronic format.
THIS BLOG is for news about the Pax Collections - follow it to keep up with releases, find early news of the upcoming collections, and share Pax fun and chat with the authors!
All Amber Paxes can be bought at Amber Quill HERE.
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Friday, 28 June 2013
A further peek into PEEPSHOW
PEEPSHOW was never the story it was meant to be! I was fascinated by the call to arms for the PAX collection
"I Know What You Did", and I immediately had the idea of my hapless hero Ken, fated to observe life from the other side of a CCTV screen. He's just as keen for adventure, friendship and sexy romance as the rest of us, but he's resigned to watching other people's lives on a grainy, black and white screen. Then, although teased and egged on by his drinking buddies, he discovers something more exciting on those screens than he'd imagined!
But as I wrote, Ken's opinions and sense of fair play started to encroach on the the sexy tale of voyeurism. He was excited, oh yes - but he felt guilty too. And worried that it wasn't a show all for HIM! So the story decided to investigate that, too. Ken's no prude, but he wants to know the truth behind the images - and only then can he place trust in what he saw. And WHO he saw.
I've been thrilled by readers' early response to it, and many thanks to reviewers who are considering it.
A lovely and thoughtful review from Brief Encounters Reviews seems to have caught on immediately with the themes of the story!
"This story surprised me. I thought it was going to go one way, with the
sexy waiter and Ken meeting up and finding romance, and in a way it
does, but the focus is more on Ken's guilty feelings about watching the
waiter which made it more of an interesting story than it may have been.
The opening shows Ken's growing interest in the waiter, culminating in
that masturbation scene. This wasn't as sexy as I thought it would be
because Ken has mixed feelings about the whole thing. It's described
well with the graininess of the CCTV picture adding to the slightly
sordid encounter. This reflects in how uncomfortable Ken feels. He's
turned on, feels compelled to keep watching, but also feels guilt at
spying on a man in a private moment.
ultimately the story was more interesting as a result. the focus on the
awkwardness of the situation, rather than glossing it over with lust and
desire made this story stand out from other stories and I would
recommend it."
Here's another except to entertain you. If you're tempted to buy it HERE, I hope you enjoy it too :)
Is he an old friend, or just an anonymous exhibitionist? Should Ken be excited by this naughty peepshow, or will people think he’s behaving like a voyeuristic pervert? Poor Ken’s confused and thrilled in turn. It’s like living in one of the movies he’s studying at university. He knows the man can’t see him, yet Ken feels a connection of some kind. It all encourages Ken to continue with his guilt-ridden Waiter Watch.
Ken bears the suspense as long as he can, until a chance meeting and an abortive blind date provide an explanation to the secret assignations. But will this guide Ken to the real-life chance of romance?
Genres: Gay/Contemporary/Voyeurism/Exhibitionism/Public Places
Heat Level: 2
Length: Extended Amber Kiss (16k words)
Read a short excerpt...
And then Waiter came out the back door of the restaurant.
Ken nearly choked on his gum as he straightened up quickly
in his chair. If he’d cared, he’d have been alarmed at how quickly his
heartbeat sped up. The man walked quickly and purposefully toward the hidden
corner of the yard. Only a few minutes of break left? Or was he trying to keep
away from the cameras? Or…
Waiter paused, just before he moved out of camera range. Ken
only had a view of his back by this time, but Waiter had shoved his hands in
his trouser pockets, and the way it tightened the fabric over Waiter’s arse… Well,
Ken wasn’t complaining.
Or was this another tease?
Whatever the reason for the sexy view, Ken’s groin was
definitely interested in the effect. His cock warmed the inside of his boxers
as it filled out. Ken couldn’t resist leaning his palm on his lap, feeling the
hardening length, wanting to slip open his zip and slide his hand in to relieve
the ache all through his lower body. Shit.
He flushed, despite the fact there was no one to see his embarrassment. But
jerking off was pretty much on the top of the list of things he shouldn’t be
doing on the job, much higher up than making private calls or burying his nose
in another doorstop volume of Game of
Waiter shuffled about, his back half in view, and his head
turned away. His hands were hidden in front of his body and he leaned to one
side, resting his weight against the side of the nearest bin. His stance was
for all the world like a casual smoker, snatching a few moments’ relaxation. But
there was no telltale trail of smoke rising up. What was he doing? For a brief
moment, he turned his head again, back toward the restaurant—and Ken’s view.
Ken found himself leaning into the screen, peering to see if he recognised the
grainy features. Was that a pair of glasses, or just a glint in the man’s eyes?
Ken cursed the poor quality of that TV for probably the nine millionth time.
Something glimmered on the screen, just above Waiter’s chin.
Ken’s eyes hurt from squinting. Had he just wet his lips? Ken could see the
flicker of a tongue, the movement of Waiter’s hand as he lifted his fingers to
his mouth. He was licking his fingers again. Maybe he’d just had another of
those cruelly sticky snacks. Ken’s groin was aching again. He reckoned he must
have been really wicked in a previous life—maybe two lives—to deserve torture
like this. Pity he couldn’t remember enjoying any of it.
Waiter’s hand left his mouth and hovered around his waist.
He’d turned his head away from the camera again, but his hips had twisted back
toward it. Slim hips, long legs with a muscular look. Ken wondered if Ollie
Robinson had ever been that tall. Could a guy add six inches to his height in
two years? Ken’s email was plagued by plenty of spam offering three to eight
inches in the lap area, but rarely in leg length.
Waiter’s hand patted almost aimlessly at the front of his trousers.
He palmed the shape there, rubbing it gently up and down. He must be touching
his dick, no question. Wrapping his fingers around the width of it, feeling the
thickness. Ken moistened his own lips and wished he’d brought a bottle of water
with him tonight. If he didn’t use it for the dryness in his mouth, he could
douse his growing temperature by pouring it over his groin. Then worry later
about how to explain it to Charlie when he arrived to take over. Meanwhile, Waiter
had shifted his legs slightly wider apart, steadying his weight between them. He
bent his elbow and his hand dived down into… Ken gaped. Into his trousers.
Inside. Downward. Deep downward. Even
if Ken didn’t have a full view of the man’s body, there was no ignoring that
move. No young man of any level of self-sexual awareness could mistake that
pastime. And as Ken watched, waiting for his brain to catch up with the truth
from his eyes, Waiter started to move his hand up and down again—but this time
from down inside his clothes. His back bowed and his shoulders stiffened
against the bin. His knees pumped very gently as his hips thrust in time with
his hand.
Oh my fucking God.
Ken found his own hand in his lap. His gaze was fixed on the screen, but he had
no trouble finding the button and zip by touch, and releasing them quickly. The
relief of grasping his erection was astonishing. As Waiter’s body jerked in the
dark, so did Ken’s in the dimmed light of the security room. I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. He
tried to be quiet, partly because the sensible side of his brain was appalled
at what he was doing and was warning him about imminent discovery, but also
partly because Waiter’s pleasure was all happening in silence, too. It was
solidarity. Lust and need and relief and a weird kind of communion, even though
there was no way he knew… Shut the hell
up, brain! Ken finally surrendered trying to be logical or rational, and
just tightened his grip on his cock. He prayed his concentration would hold out
long enough to watch Waiter to the end. His head was already swimming, and tears
of excitement had wet his lashes, misting his view.
Waiter started to sag, leaning more heavily against the bin. If he sinks to his knees…
If you'd like the chance to win the entire pax collection, just leave a comment on today's post. On Saturday, a winner will be picked at random from all the comments made this week on the blog. Comment on all, and that's multiple chances to win!
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Connecting through Correspondence: Family Obligations by Vivien Dean & Rick R. Reed
Tate D’Angelo always believed he knew who his father was. Beloved doctor, devoted husband and father, a kind soul...these were the words shared by everyone who came to his funeral. So when his father’s old college buddy, Randy, approaches him after the service, Tate expects to hear echoes of the same.
What he gets, instead, is almost a lifetime’s worth of letters that tell him so much more and cause him to view his father—and his family—in a whole new light.
The truth, about a secret love kept buried for decades, astonishes him. Overwhelmed by grief and confusion, Tate’s unsure if he can bear hearing how the lives of these two men entwined over the years, but he reads on anyway, discovering more to value, more to respect, and most importantly, more to love about the man who raised him.
Though collaborating isn't new to either Vivien or Rick, Family Obligations marks the first time they've worked together on the same side of the editorial page. With the opportunity to post today, they decided writing emails to each other was the best and most fitting way to introduce Mark and Randy to the world. Enjoy!
What he gets, instead, is almost a lifetime’s worth of letters that tell him so much more and cause him to view his father—and his family—in a whole new light.
The truth, about a secret love kept buried for decades, astonishes him. Overwhelmed by grief and confusion, Tate’s unsure if he can bear hearing how the lives of these two men entwined over the years, but he reads on anyway, discovering more to value, more to respect, and most importantly, more to love about the man who raised him.
Though collaborating isn't new to either Vivien or Rick, Family Obligations marks the first time they've worked together on the same side of the editorial page. With the opportunity to post today, they decided writing emails to each other was the best and most fitting way to introduce Mark and Randy to the world. Enjoy!
Dear Vivien,
It was a thrill working with you on Family Obligations, because the story—about love thwarted by time and societal prejudices—is, I think one of the most emotional I’ve ever worked on. I appreciated that we were on the same page with this one.
I have long been haunted by one short story, E. Annie Proulx’s lyrical, powerful, and tragic “Brokeback Mountain.” I remember reading the short story many years ago (in 1997!) just after it was published originally in the New Yorker magazine. It stayed with me through all the years, partly because Proulx’s prose is so spare, yet poetic, but also because the story, at its core, could have been mine, since I too was a closeted, married gay man, filled with secret longings and wearing a mask for the rest of the world.
Our story, “Family Obligations” has a lot in common with Brokeback, even though it’s totally different. It too is a story about two men who fell in love while young and vibrant, and then because of their own and society’s expectations, were kept apart through the years. Yet, their love was so strong that they could never manage to break the hold they had upon each other.
The story itself was an emotional journey, wasn’t it? Both for our characters and ourselves. I remember as I read over passages as we wrote the story back and forth via e-mail and just sobbing; I felt our characters in my gut and in my heart, and my tears just rolled. Call me a big baby. I admit it.
Writing the story with you was a collaboration I will never forget—and will always cherish. I feel as though you and I went on a journey with our characters and that somehow has left a strong bond between the two of us.
Thank you for working with me. I can only hope our readers will be as deeply moved by our story as we were.
Dear Rick,
Since these emails are getting put out there for our readers to see, the first and probably most important thing I want to say is THANK YOU. Getting to work with you on Family Obligations was not only a privilege, but a gift. I have admired your work for years, and you probably didn't know this but when I got to meet you at EPICon in Las Vegas a few years ago, I was more than a little starstruck. I don't think I managed to get much more than a greeting out to you all weekend, I was so nervous. Not through any fault of yours, of course, because you were so friendly and warm, but because my brain forgets how to work with my mouth in those situations. That has changed, thank goodness, but it was still an incredible honor when you asked me to do this story with you.
While on the surface Mark and Randy's story might seem to reflect more of your experiences than mine, I have always felt connected to it in a way that I think will forever be unique to us. I'm a compulsive letter writer, so the choice to tell the bulk of the story through their correspondence felt like coming home. Reading someone's letter opens a door into his life in ways you don't get with straight prose. Certainly, writing them is a more intimate experience. Combine the two? I was pretty much a goner for these guys from the start.
Every time I opened my email to read another response from you, my heart was in my throat. More often, I'd get teary at how raw the emotions felt. Hell, I even cried when I had to do the final pass through for publication, ages after we'd finished edits. It was that much a part of me.
More than the format, though, is the fact that this is a story about choices, and that's something we can all relate to. We make decisions in our lives every day, some that mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things, some that will color every day that comes after until we don't have a tomorrow anymore. Our reasons vary. Sometimes it means making a sacrifice. But always it means moving forward, taking that next step whenever possible.
I treasure this step you allowed me to take with you. Mark and Randy live in a special corner of my heart, but the spot you've created with your artistry and generosity burns just as brightly.
All my best,
Family Obligations by Vivien Dean & Rick R. Reed is now available at Amber Allure.
If you'd like the chance to win the entire pax collection, just leave a comment on today's post. On Saturday, a winner will be picked at random from all the comments made this week on the blog. Comment on all, and that's multiple chances to win!
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
The Crimson Cat - Truth IS stranger than fiction by A.J. Llewellyn
I've been writing with the amazing and truly astonishingly talented D. Manly for five years now. People ask us all the time how we do it. The answer is, "And we do it. Every night every day, every possible way..."
Sorry, I'm stealing lines from the old R & J Stone song "And We Do It" but it's not far from the truth. We both have regular jobs and must schedule our first love - writing - around family, pets, work, home, friends, etc. I can work late into the night (or early in the morning depending on your point of view) and so can D.J.
Stories go back and forth via email at odd times. We talk on the phone, we laugh, and thank God we rarely argue (I'm knocking wood as I say this), but one thing is certain.
After five years, we can still surprise each other and that's the real key to a satisfying, ongoing writing relationship. When I receive a new chapter from D.J. I admit I'm sometimes wary because D.J. has a fondness for killing off some of my favorite characters.
I sometimes wonder how such a nice person can do so many mean things to harmless characters in a book! When I sent D.J. the opening chapter of The Crimson Cat, our latest joint release for Amber Allure, we'd discussed the idea of a car accident featuring a classic car, and together researched something unusual, to come up with a Crimson Cat, an old 1983 Mercury vehicle.
There was another piece to the puzzle. Setsubun.
Yes. Setsubun.
I try always to feature fresh subjects and my fondness for Asian culture knows no bounds. When I was invited to my first soybean-throwing ceremony, I found a quirky link to our tale. I simply had to include it. I don't know about other authors, but I find life presents little gifts when I am working on a book. Something unexpected shows up that often fits right into a story.
Setsubun is an annual festival that involves putting on masks and tossing soybeans outside for good luck. I thought the idea was a hoot.
Or is it?
Are there such things as bad demons?
Since this is a mystery and masks, all kinds of masks come into play, I won't give too much away here. I will simply say this. We loved writing this book and as always, D.J. stepped up and blew me away with plot twists I couldn't have predicted.
Here's the synopsis for The Crimson Cat:
When Tomi Hadley and his brother, Ren, make fun of their Japanese-born mom's annual Setsubun bean-throwing celebrations, she's furious. She warns them that their ridicule of her folkloric beliefs could be deadly. As if to prove her words, shortly after leaving her house, the two men are almost killed in a car accident by a hit-and-run driver.
Tomi's whole world collapses. Worried about his brother, whose injuries are severe, Tomi struggles to put the pieces of his life back together. This is nearly impossible, however, since he loses his dream job due to his inability to work, and then there's his mom's insistence that oni, Japanese demons, caused the collision.
But one day, when Tomi sees a man washing his car on the street, he realizes it's the same vehicle that caused the accident—a classic red sports car called a Crimson Cat. And the driver, the surprisingly handsome attorney Dusty Grayson, seems to be a man of hidden depth and many, many secrets...
People often ask me how I come up with some of my ideas. I always say truth is stranger than fiction, because it is. Life is full of mystery and magic.
You just have to be willing to find it.
For an excerpt and/or purchase of The Crimson Cat, please click this link:
Aloha oe,
www, novels
If you'd like the chance to win the entire pax collection, just leave a comment on today's post. On Saturday, a winner will be picked at random from all the comments made this week on the blog. Comment on all, and that's multiple chances to win!
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Another glimpse of Another Secret by Stevie Woods
When I saw the call for stories for a Pax collection entitled, I Know What You Did, I knew I wanted to write something for it. I tossed a few ideas but nothing really grabbed me. I had just about settled on a theme when I was hit with the idea of writing my first shifter story. I ended up combining both themes, hence Another Secret.
Here’s another glimpse into my story:
Here’s another glimpse into my story:
Then he hurried to his bedroom, where he rubbed himself down with the towel before getting dressed. He hastened to the kitchen and was soon back in front of the fire warming his hands around his coffee mug. He sat on the rug, leaning back against his sofa and staring into the flames as they danced before him. When had his life become so complicated? He tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling. He knew the answer and hated it.
He closed his eyes and allowed the images to form…let the memory flow. For a time, he’d fought against the recollection, as if trying to forget could change anything. Then he learned the power of those memories and drawing on them kept him focused. Part of him hated that so much of his energy was centered on the need for revenge, but even his human side accepted James should pay for what he’d done; for what he might do to some other unsuspecting soul who let his defenses down enough to trust him. Though Drew couldn’t deny his own culpability, he’d gone looking for someone strong and sexy he could lose himself in. His mistake had been in choosing James.
Drew remembered walking into Pascoe’s Club in Huntington that Friday night, same as he did about every four to six weeks when his itch needed a particular kind of scratching. He’d argued with Leland that afternoon, nothing dramatic, but it was the last straw after a particularly demanding week and Drew knew what he needed. He wished it was something he could share with Leland, but that day seemed as far off as ever.
Pascoe’s was busy, full of men drinking and dancing. Men of every description imaginable, some of them half-naked; bears and twinks sprinkled among the heaving crowd. Drew got himself a beer and leaned against the end of the bar scanning the crowd for a likely prospect. A man approached him, and Drew hoped he was interested because Drew certainly was; a tall, well-built guy, but not overtly so. Drew liked his men muscular but well balanced. This one had dark brown hair, longish with a lock falling over his eyes—green Drew thought, though it was hard to tell in the dim light.
“Hi,” the guy said. “Name’s James. Wanna dance?” His gaze swept over Drew and he grinned, adding, “Or perhaps something a bit more exciting?”
Another Secret by Stevie Woods is now available at Amber Allure.
If you'd like the chance to win the entire pax collection, just leave a comment on today's post. On Saturday, a winner will be picked at random from all the comments made this week on the blog. Comment on all, and that's multiple chances to win!
Monday, 24 June 2013
Another excerpt from Against Type by Heidi Champa
I've always been fascinated by people who lead double lives. Plenty of people who write erotic or romantic fiction do this through the use of a pseudonym and keeping certain people in their lives in the dark about what they do.
That idea was part of the inspiration for this story, about a guy who discovers his new co-worker isn't all that he seems. Secrets can make for interesting lives, but they can also make things complicated. Just like in my story, Against Type.
"I need a break."
Adrian threw down his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and finger. We'd been at it for hours, and while we were making progress, things were starting to get tedious. And, we were starting to piss each other off. We'd started off so well that first night we wrote together, but as the days and weeks passed, each writing session was getting more and more heated. In the beginning it was like we were trying to be on our best behavior, but the more we worked together, the more we fell into our old habits. Which, clearly brought out the worst in each other.
Tensions were rising and neither of us was doing a thing to stop them. In fact, we seemed hell bent on making everything worse. Each recent meeting had ended with an argument and me leaving with a slam of the door. We were still only half way through the script and things had dragged to a standstill. At this rate, we'd kill each other before we ever got a chance to finish the stupid story.
"Fine. Let's take a break. It's not like we're on deadline or anything."
"Jesus, Fletch, I know we're on a tight schedule. There's no need to bring it up every five minutes."
"Sorry. Forgive me for trying to keep us on task."
"Oh, please. This has nothing to do with the script. You're just being a dick."
"That's rich coming from you."
"Fuck off."
He got up from the couch and started pacing, like he'd done a few times before when we started to argue. For whatever reason, I wasn't in the mood to back down, so I decided to push harder.
"You know, Adrian, this would all be a lot easier if you'd listen to me every now and then. Stop being so stubborn and actually admit that this goes a lot smoother when you listen to me."
He stalked towards me, his face twisted into a scowl.
"Is that so? Well, maybe if you weren't always pointing out how stupid this is and how much this sucks, it would be a lot easier to take you seriously."
"This doesn't have anything to do with that. You're mad because I'm here at all. Because you fucked up and this is the only way you can get out of it."
I saw his fist ball and I took a step back. He followed me and much like in his office, I found myself against the wall with Adrian hulking over me.
"Let's get something straight. I'm trying to make the best of a bad situation and get this movie script finished. You're the one who seems more interested in fucking with me than finishing what we started."
I didn't let him intimidate me and I leaned forward, getting into his face.
"That's so not true. You're the one still treating me like I'm some idiot who doesn't deserve to contribute to this little masterpiece."
He shook his head and I could see the flush rising on his face.
"God, you're such a self-righteous little bastard, Fletch. You're always accusing me of acting above everything. Now who's too good for everything?"
"Whatever you say, Adrian. But, you're still an arrogant, self-important has-been."
He stepped away from me, although it did little to calm me down. He threw his hands up and shouted.
"Jesus Christ! How many times are we going to have the same fucking argument?"
"Until you realize you're wrong."
"Or until you realize what an asshole you are."
He was back in my space at this point, both of us breathing heavy. I don't know why I kept goading him, but it was like I couldn't stop.
"Maybe I should go back to the original plan and tell everyone the truth. End this whole thing."
"Fuck, I wish you would shut up, Fletch."
"Why don't you make me?"
He slammed a hand against the wall above me and I jumped. When he grabbed a handful of my shirt and yanked me towards him, panic overtook me. Both of my hands wrapped around his wrist in an attempt to wrench free, but it didn't work. His face was inches from mine, his voice a strained whisper.
"Fine. Let's see if this shuts you up."
I closed my eyes, expecting a punch, but instead I got his lips on mine and his firm hand around my neck. I let go of his wrists and put my hands to his shoulders with the thought of pushing him away, but I didn't. When his tongue slipped into my mouth, I slid my hands around his back and held on tight. The kiss went on for a long time and when we finally pulled apart, Adrian had gotten his wish. I was unable to speak. We stared at each other for a while, our hands still on each other.
"Wow, if I'd known that would work so well, I would have done it a long time ago," he said, cracking a smile for the first time in weeks.
I pushed him away and tried to get some distance, without much success. He pulled me back to him, kissing me roughly. This time, I shoved him harder, but he barely budged.
"Is that the best you can do, Fletch? I know you've been dreaming about hitting me for weeks."
"I'm not going to hit you, Adrian."
He smirked and kissed me again, daring me to make him stop. It took all my strength to move him, buying myself a few feet of breathing room.
"That's better."
He didn't waste any time coming towards me again, his arms around me before I could react. Our mouths met and I felt my feet shuffling along the floor as he dragged me towards the bedroom. This time, it was Adrian who shoved me and I landed in a heap on his king-sized mattress. I moved to scramble off the bed, but he moved over me before I had the chance, pinning my hands down, his knees on either side of my thighs. I struggled under his iron grip, which only seemed to make him stronger. When he pressed the length of his body against mine, I could no longer move, not that I really wanted to. My mind was at war and right now my anger was a distant second to lust.
"Give up, Fletch?"
"No way."
"Too bad. If you would just admit you're wrong, we could move on and have some fun."
"Why don't you admit you're wrong?"
I squirmed under him, but to no avail.
"I don't think you're in any position to negotiate right now."
"Well, if you're waiting for an apology, it's going to be awhile."
"I've got time."
"Fuck you."
He smirked before he kissed me, pulling back before I wanted him to.
"Now, that's an idea."
Against Type by Heidi Champa is now available at Amber Allure.
If you'd like the chance to win the entire pax collection, just leave a comment on today's post. On Saturday, a winner will be picked at random from all the comments made this week on the blog. Comment on all, and that's multiple chances to win!
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Visit the links to take advantage of our

An AmberPax™ Collection of Gay Romance by Various Authors Cover Copyright ©2012 by Trace Edward Zaber |
(For more information on each title, or to purchase separately, click on the book covers below!)
by Heidi Champa Novella (Gay) | ![]() Another Secret by Stevie Woods Extended Amber Kiss (Gay) |
![]() The Crimson Cat by A.J. Llewellyn & D.J. Manly Novella (Gay) | ![]() Family Obligations by Vivien Dean & Rick R. Reed Extended Amber Kiss (Gay) | ![]() Peepshow by Clare London Extended Amber Kiss (Gay) |
Friday, 21 June 2013
Peepshow by Clare London
Ever wanted to spy secretly on other people’s lives? Ken doesn’t have a choice: his student summer job is manning the CCTV screens for the new shopping centre. But instead of spotting criminals or vandals, he becomes fascinated by a cute waiter from the local bistro who sneaks out to the backyard for his break—and plays sexy to the camera.
Is he an old friend, or just an anonymous exhibitionist? Should Ken be excited by this naughty peepshow, or will people think he’s behaving like a voyeuristic pervert? Poor Ken’s confused and thrilled in turn. It’s like living in one of the movies he’s studying at university. He knows the man can’t see him, yet Ken feels a connection of some kind. It all encourages Ken to continue with his guilt-ridden Waiter Watch.
Ken bears the suspense as long as he can, until a chance meeting and an abortive blind date provide an explanation to the secret assignations. But will this guide Ken to the real-life chance of romance?
Is he an old friend, or just an anonymous exhibitionist? Should Ken be excited by this naughty peepshow, or will people think he’s behaving like a voyeuristic pervert? Poor Ken’s confused and thrilled in turn. It’s like living in one of the movies he’s studying at university. He knows the man can’t see him, yet Ken feels a connection of some kind. It all encourages Ken to continue with his guilt-ridden Waiter Watch.
Ken bears the suspense as long as he can, until a chance meeting and an abortive blind date provide an explanation to the secret assignations. But will this guide Ken to the real-life chance of romance?
Genres: Gay/Contemporary/Voyeurism/Exhibitionism/Public Places
Heat Level: 2
Length: Extended Amber Kiss (16k words)
Read a short excerpt...
...Yes, there actually was a lot of activity in and around the centre. Ken could weave it into his film projects, he could let it inspire him. Everyone enjoyed people watching, didn’t they? He just felt that it wasn’t what he was employed to watch out for. It was benign. It was commonplace. Sometimes he felt just like a voyeur, but without the sexiness.
A waiter ambled out of the French bistro, and Ken’s attention darted back to that screen. The young man moved quickly—maybe he only had a few minutes’ break—and he made for the far corner of the yard. It was just a couple of square feet behind the furthest bin, and out of reach of the security lights. The only CCTV screen that covered that part of the view was one of the oldest and with the poorest picture. Sometimes one of the waiting staff would sneak behind the bin, and Ken assumed it was because they didn’t want to be seen, either by CCTV or from inside the restaurant.
Was that what this man was doing? He had his back to Ken, who couldn’t see for definite what was up. Was he smoking? Taking drugs? Ken had seen it on other evenings. Was he meant to report that kind of thing, or just crimes that involved damage to the centre itself? And how hypocritical would he be, when he’d smoked more than a few things in his time?
He peered more closely and wished there was a zoom feature. He didn’t like to touch the controls too much, since the time he fiddled with the brightness, messed up screens one to four and spent three hours looking at static—I’m breaking up! I’m breaking up!—until Charlie arrived. The old man had shrugged at Ken’s apology, turned the control button to its fullest point, thumped somewhere under the desk, and the screens all popped back into focus. Lucky, of course, the missile hadn’t arrived at that very time, though Ken rather thought there’d have been other clues if the building had been attacked.
Now, the man in the yard turned his head and Ken caught sight of his shadowed profile. He wasn’t smoking, he was sucking juice from a carton. A new employee? Ken didn’t think he’d noticed him before. Tall, lithe body in tight black trousers and a white shirt that stretched taut over his pecs, short-cropped dark hair, prominent but attractive nose. Ken couldn’t see his eyes, he was looking down at the carton, but the heavy lids were sexy. Even though the picture was blurred, Ken could tell that clearly enough. And the way his lips tightened on the carton straw was…
Be still, my beating heart.
Ken laughed at himself, a little bitterly. His poor old dick hadn’t hardened that quickly in a long time.
He shifted on the seat, trying to get comfortable again. He really needed to get back out in the dating game again. Oh wait, first he had to find the time to date, didn’t he? But if and when he did, this was just the kind of look he’d always liked, even since school days, however shallow Mum would say that was…
And then the guy turned toward the camera so that one side of his face eased out of the shadows—and he winked.
Huh? Ken leaned forward in his chair, startled, but the moment was gone. The waiter turned on his heel, threw his empty carton into the bin and sauntered back inside the restaurant...
A waiter ambled out of the French bistro, and Ken’s attention darted back to that screen. The young man moved quickly—maybe he only had a few minutes’ break—and he made for the far corner of the yard. It was just a couple of square feet behind the furthest bin, and out of reach of the security lights. The only CCTV screen that covered that part of the view was one of the oldest and with the poorest picture. Sometimes one of the waiting staff would sneak behind the bin, and Ken assumed it was because they didn’t want to be seen, either by CCTV or from inside the restaurant.
Was that what this man was doing? He had his back to Ken, who couldn’t see for definite what was up. Was he smoking? Taking drugs? Ken had seen it on other evenings. Was he meant to report that kind of thing, or just crimes that involved damage to the centre itself? And how hypocritical would he be, when he’d smoked more than a few things in his time?
He peered more closely and wished there was a zoom feature. He didn’t like to touch the controls too much, since the time he fiddled with the brightness, messed up screens one to four and spent three hours looking at static—I’m breaking up! I’m breaking up!—until Charlie arrived. The old man had shrugged at Ken’s apology, turned the control button to its fullest point, thumped somewhere under the desk, and the screens all popped back into focus. Lucky, of course, the missile hadn’t arrived at that very time, though Ken rather thought there’d have been other clues if the building had been attacked.
Now, the man in the yard turned his head and Ken caught sight of his shadowed profile. He wasn’t smoking, he was sucking juice from a carton. A new employee? Ken didn’t think he’d noticed him before. Tall, lithe body in tight black trousers and a white shirt that stretched taut over his pecs, short-cropped dark hair, prominent but attractive nose. Ken couldn’t see his eyes, he was looking down at the carton, but the heavy lids were sexy. Even though the picture was blurred, Ken could tell that clearly enough. And the way his lips tightened on the carton straw was…
Be still, my beating heart.
Ken laughed at himself, a little bitterly. His poor old dick hadn’t hardened that quickly in a long time.
He shifted on the seat, trying to get comfortable again. He really needed to get back out in the dating game again. Oh wait, first he had to find the time to date, didn’t he? But if and when he did, this was just the kind of look he’d always liked, even since school days, however shallow Mum would say that was…
And then the guy turned toward the camera so that one side of his face eased out of the shadows—and he winked.
Huh? Ken leaned forward in his chair, startled, but the moment was gone. The waiter turned on his heel, threw his empty carton into the bin and sauntered back inside the restaurant...
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Family Obligations by Vivien Dean & Rick R. Reed
Tate D’Angelo always believed he knew who his father was. Beloved doctor, devoted husband and father, a kind soul...these were the words shared by everyone who came to his funeral. So when his father’s old college buddy, Randy, approaches him after the service, Tate expects to hear echoes of the same.
What he gets, instead, is almost a lifetime’s worth of letters that tell him so much more and cause him to view his father—and his family—in a whole new light.
The truth, about a secret love kept buried for decades, astonishes him. Overwhelmed by grief and confusion, Tate’s unsure if he can bear hearing how the lives of these two men entwined over the years, but he reads on anyway, discovering more to value, more to respect, and most importantly, more to love about the man who raised him.
What he gets, instead, is almost a lifetime’s worth of letters that tell him so much more and cause him to view his father—and his family—in a whole new light.
The truth, about a secret love kept buried for decades, astonishes him. Overwhelmed by grief and confusion, Tate’s unsure if he can bear hearing how the lives of these two men entwined over the years, but he reads on anyway, discovering more to value, more to respect, and most importantly, more to love about the man who raised him.
Genres: Gay/Contemporary
Heat Level: 1
Length: Extended Amber Kiss (14k words)
Read a short excerpt...
...The stars had just begun to come out, the scent of hibiscus hanging in the air. For a moment, Tate wished he still smoked, so he had something to do with his hands, something to take his mind off the loss of his dad, who had meant so much.
He made his way to a low wall that fronted the Spanish-style building and took a seat, just breathing in and out—slowly, letting his mind go blank.
“Mr. D’Angelo? Tate?” A man’s voice, soft, reached him from behind.
Tate stood and turned, surprised. He hadn’t heard anyone follow him out, but there he was, one of the people he had seen during the course of the viewing hours, but to whom he had not spoken. The man looked to be about his father’s age. There was solidity to him, an almost military bearing. His gray hair was shorn close to his head, making his pale blue eyes with their dark lashes stand out even more in contrast. He was neatly shaven and wore a simple black suit, cut perfectly to accentuate his broad shoulders and narrow hips.
Tate smiled. “That’s me.” He extended a hand and the two men shook. “Did you know my dad?”
The man’s eyes took on a faraway aspect and he didn’t say anything for long moments. Tate wondered if the man was going to cry. Finally, he sucked in a quivering breath and smiled. “Yeah. Your dad and me went way back—all the way to our undergraduate years.”
“At UDub?” Tate employed the affectionate nickname his father used for his alma mater—the University of Washington, all the way on the other side of the country, in Seattle.
“That’s the place.”
“I’m sorry—did I miss your name?”
“No, my apologies. I’m Randall Frank. But your dad called me Randy.”
Tate stared at him, waiting for more. When Randy didn’t offer anything else, Tate asked, “So are you in the area now?”
“Oh, no. I stayed in Seattle. I have a little family practice in Woodinville, just outside the city. It’s pretty there. Quiet.”
“And you came all this way for my father’s funeral?” Tate thought it was strange, flying something like more than three thousand miles to pay final respects to a college classmate from thirty years ago.
“Ah, your father and I had a really close friendship when we were undergrads and we stayed in touch—sporadically—through the years. You may not have known about me, Tate, but I knew all about you. I’m late, but congrats on your child, by the way. A little girl?”
Tate grinned. “Claire.” He pictured the little red-haired girl in his mind and couldn’t wait to get home to her.
Randy said, “Listen, I didn’t mean to intrude. I saw you heading out here and I’ve been hoping to get you alone.”
“Yeah. I have something for you.”
Tate cocked his head, brows furrowed in confusion. “I’m not sure I understand.”
Randy groped in the breast pocket of his suit coat and brought out a thumb drive. He held it out. Tate took it from him, turning the little rectangle of black plastic over as if it was an object he’d never laid eyes on.
“I’m sorry,” Randy said. “I don’t mean to be mysterious. That drive has the sum total of mine and your father’s correspondence over the years.” He smiled and shrugged. “When your dad got sick, he sent me all the letters he had saved from me.” Even in the dark, Tate could see Randy blush. “I thought I was the only one who hung onto them, but it made me happy that they meant enough for your dad to keep. Anyway, I guess when he knew he might not beat the cancer, he wanted me to have my letters, rather than just having your mom find them in his office.” He took a breath, staring off into the violet night. “I scanned it all into my computer and put everything on this thumb drive for you.”
Randy’s eyes at last welled with tears, leaving Tate just as befuddled...
He made his way to a low wall that fronted the Spanish-style building and took a seat, just breathing in and out—slowly, letting his mind go blank.
“Mr. D’Angelo? Tate?” A man’s voice, soft, reached him from behind.
Tate stood and turned, surprised. He hadn’t heard anyone follow him out, but there he was, one of the people he had seen during the course of the viewing hours, but to whom he had not spoken. The man looked to be about his father’s age. There was solidity to him, an almost military bearing. His gray hair was shorn close to his head, making his pale blue eyes with their dark lashes stand out even more in contrast. He was neatly shaven and wore a simple black suit, cut perfectly to accentuate his broad shoulders and narrow hips.
Tate smiled. “That’s me.” He extended a hand and the two men shook. “Did you know my dad?”
The man’s eyes took on a faraway aspect and he didn’t say anything for long moments. Tate wondered if the man was going to cry. Finally, he sucked in a quivering breath and smiled. “Yeah. Your dad and me went way back—all the way to our undergraduate years.”
“At UDub?” Tate employed the affectionate nickname his father used for his alma mater—the University of Washington, all the way on the other side of the country, in Seattle.
“That’s the place.”
“I’m sorry—did I miss your name?”
“No, my apologies. I’m Randall Frank. But your dad called me Randy.”
Tate stared at him, waiting for more. When Randy didn’t offer anything else, Tate asked, “So are you in the area now?”
“Oh, no. I stayed in Seattle. I have a little family practice in Woodinville, just outside the city. It’s pretty there. Quiet.”
“And you came all this way for my father’s funeral?” Tate thought it was strange, flying something like more than three thousand miles to pay final respects to a college classmate from thirty years ago.
“Ah, your father and I had a really close friendship when we were undergrads and we stayed in touch—sporadically—through the years. You may not have known about me, Tate, but I knew all about you. I’m late, but congrats on your child, by the way. A little girl?”
Tate grinned. “Claire.” He pictured the little red-haired girl in his mind and couldn’t wait to get home to her.
Randy said, “Listen, I didn’t mean to intrude. I saw you heading out here and I’ve been hoping to get you alone.”
“Yeah. I have something for you.”
Tate cocked his head, brows furrowed in confusion. “I’m not sure I understand.”
Randy groped in the breast pocket of his suit coat and brought out a thumb drive. He held it out. Tate took it from him, turning the little rectangle of black plastic over as if it was an object he’d never laid eyes on.
“I’m sorry,” Randy said. “I don’t mean to be mysterious. That drive has the sum total of mine and your father’s correspondence over the years.” He smiled and shrugged. “When your dad got sick, he sent me all the letters he had saved from me.” Even in the dark, Tate could see Randy blush. “I thought I was the only one who hung onto them, but it made me happy that they meant enough for your dad to keep. Anyway, I guess when he knew he might not beat the cancer, he wanted me to have my letters, rather than just having your mom find them in his office.” He took a breath, staring off into the violet night. “I scanned it all into my computer and put everything on this thumb drive for you.”
Randy’s eyes at last welled with tears, leaving Tate just as befuddled...
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
The Crimson Cat by A.J. Llewellyn & D.J. Manly
When Tomi Hadley and his brother, Ren, make fun of their Japanese-born mom's annual Setsubun bean-throwing celebrations, she's furious. She warns them that their ridicule of her folkloric beliefs could be deadly. As if to prove her words, shortly after leaving her house, the two men are almost killed in a car accident by a hit-and-run driver.
Tomi's whole world collapses. Worried about his brother, whose injuries are severe, Tomi struggles to put the pieces of his life back together. This is nearly impossible, however, since he loses his dream job due to his inability to work, and then there's his mom's insistence that oni, Japanese demons, caused the collision.
But one day, when Tomi sees a man washing his car on the street, he realizes it's the same vehicle that caused the accident—a classic red sports car called a Crimson Cat. And the driver, the surprisingly handsome attorney Dusty Grayson, seems to be a man of hidden depth and many, many secrets...
Tomi's whole world collapses. Worried about his brother, whose injuries are severe, Tomi struggles to put the pieces of his life back together. This is nearly impossible, however, since he loses his dream job due to his inability to work, and then there's his mom's insistence that oni, Japanese demons, caused the collision.
But one day, when Tomi sees a man washing his car on the street, he realizes it's the same vehicle that caused the accident—a classic red sports car called a Crimson Cat. And the driver, the surprisingly handsome attorney Dusty Grayson, seems to be a man of hidden depth and many, many secrets...
Genres: Gay/Contemporary/Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Heat Level: 3
Length: Novella (18k words)
Read a short excerpt...
...“What the hell’s going on?” Tomi asked. “Talk to me. I’m not an ogre.”
Dusty glanced toward the window. “I can’t. Not right now. But I’ll admit it wasn’t me behind the wheel. If you asked me where the accident happened, under oath, I sure as hell couldn’t tell you. Please. Can’t you just let this alone?”
“No, I can’t. I want them to arrest him for the accident. Would you be willing to testify against him?”
“Hell, no.”
“Jesus! What does this guy have on you?”
“I don’t know what you mean.” Dusty looked like he might run any second now.
Tomi made a last-ditch effort to get through to the guy. “I know this sounds crazy but I like you. I want to help you.”
“You can’t help me.” Dusty’s face crumpled suddenly. “Nobody can help me.”
“Well, if you won’t tell me the truth and you’re not willing to go on the stand against him—”
“Go on the stand?” Dusty stared at him. “I can’t go on any…witness stand. Look, it’s not that I don’t want to. It’s …it’s just that I can’t. Please. Please drop this.”
“Then they’ll arrest him for the drugs.” Tomi felt defeated. “I guess that’s something.”
“I’m sorry,” Dusty said. “Really, I am.”
Tomi wanted to scream. He finally said, “Yeah, me, too.” He turned and gave the two cops sitting across the street a thumbs-down sign just as Simon came out, drink in hand, a bartender following him.
“Sir, you can’t drink outside,” the bartender was saying. Simon shoved the guy back, hard, against the window, the drink splashing all over him and Dusty.
Dusty reached out to steady the bartender as Simon lunged at Tomi with the near-empty glass.
“I’ll show you!” He screamed. “Get the fuck away from my man!”
His arm rose high and started to come down, but Dusty gripped Simon’s hand, yelling at him.
“Simon! Stop it!”
The cops came running and took Simon down. He was a livewire, for sure.
“You okay?” Dusty asked the bartender.
“Yeah. Fine.” He glanced at Tomi and slipped back inside.
Tomi knew the bartender was the DEA officer who was working undercover. Simon, who clearly hadn’t spent enough time living in LA to know that resisting a cop here was virtual suicide, was kicking, screaming and generally letting his charges multiply, was subdued finally by four cops and a couple of zaps from a Taser.
He screamed blue murder as they hauled him away.
“You call my dad!” Simon screamed at Dusty. “Don’t you leave me in there!” He then let loose with the chilling words, “I know what you did!”...
Dusty glanced toward the window. “I can’t. Not right now. But I’ll admit it wasn’t me behind the wheel. If you asked me where the accident happened, under oath, I sure as hell couldn’t tell you. Please. Can’t you just let this alone?”
“No, I can’t. I want them to arrest him for the accident. Would you be willing to testify against him?”
“Hell, no.”
“Jesus! What does this guy have on you?”
“I don’t know what you mean.” Dusty looked like he might run any second now.
Tomi made a last-ditch effort to get through to the guy. “I know this sounds crazy but I like you. I want to help you.”
“You can’t help me.” Dusty’s face crumpled suddenly. “Nobody can help me.”
“Well, if you won’t tell me the truth and you’re not willing to go on the stand against him—”
“Go on the stand?” Dusty stared at him. “I can’t go on any…witness stand. Look, it’s not that I don’t want to. It’s …it’s just that I can’t. Please. Please drop this.”
“Then they’ll arrest him for the drugs.” Tomi felt defeated. “I guess that’s something.”
“I’m sorry,” Dusty said. “Really, I am.”
Tomi wanted to scream. He finally said, “Yeah, me, too.” He turned and gave the two cops sitting across the street a thumbs-down sign just as Simon came out, drink in hand, a bartender following him.
“Sir, you can’t drink outside,” the bartender was saying. Simon shoved the guy back, hard, against the window, the drink splashing all over him and Dusty.
Dusty reached out to steady the bartender as Simon lunged at Tomi with the near-empty glass.
“I’ll show you!” He screamed. “Get the fuck away from my man!”
His arm rose high and started to come down, but Dusty gripped Simon’s hand, yelling at him.
“Simon! Stop it!”
The cops came running and took Simon down. He was a livewire, for sure.
“You okay?” Dusty asked the bartender.
“Yeah. Fine.” He glanced at Tomi and slipped back inside.
Tomi knew the bartender was the DEA officer who was working undercover. Simon, who clearly hadn’t spent enough time living in LA to know that resisting a cop here was virtual suicide, was kicking, screaming and generally letting his charges multiply, was subdued finally by four cops and a couple of zaps from a Taser.
He screamed blue murder as they hauled him away.
“You call my dad!” Simon screamed at Dusty. “Don’t you leave me in there!” He then let loose with the chilling words, “I know what you did!”...
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Another Secret by Stevie Woods
After yet another bad dream, Leland accepts he can no longer keep his secret; the time had come to confess all to his best friend, Drew. He sets out early in the morning, determined yet fearful of Drew’s reaction to what he must tell him. Leland has loved Drew ever since they were teenagers and together they experimented with their sexuality, but Drew has only ever been his best friend. He dreads maybe even losing that when Drew learns the truth.
Halfway through the forest to Drew’s home, however, Leland is forced to take cover when he sees a large grey wolf tailing another man. His concern turns to shock when the man abruptly shifts to become a wolf himself and attacks the grey wolf.
The fight is swift and bloody and ends when the man-wolf runs off. Leland gets his second shock of the morning when the grey wolf abruptly shifts to become human. To become Drew. Too confused to do more than watch as his now-naked best friend rushes off, Leland is in for yet another surprise when he finally gathers the courage and confronts Drew later that morning...
Halfway through the forest to Drew’s home, however, Leland is forced to take cover when he sees a large grey wolf tailing another man. His concern turns to shock when the man abruptly shifts to become a wolf himself and attacks the grey wolf.
The fight is swift and bloody and ends when the man-wolf runs off. Leland gets his second shock of the morning when the grey wolf abruptly shifts to become human. To become Drew. Too confused to do more than watch as his now-naked best friend rushes off, Leland is in for yet another surprise when he finally gathers the courage and confronts Drew later that morning...
Genres: Gay/Dark Fantasy/Werewolf/Shapeshifter/Action/Adventure
Heat Level: 3
Length: Extended Amber Kiss (14k words)
Read a short excerpt...
...He was just about to step out into a small clearing when he saw it—a large grey wolf, so dark as to be almost black. It was a beautiful specimen. Leland kept very still, not wanting to draw the animal’s attention. It looked as if the wolf was already trailing something by the way it was behaving. Even as he watched, the wolf sniffed the air and quickened its pace. Apparently, it had found its prey. As Leland slipped back behind the tree, shock slid through him as he spied the wolf’s target. It was a man.
Leland was of two minds what to do. His immediate reaction was to shout a warning, but that could induce the wolf to attack sooner. Cursing himself for being a fool, Leland ran as quietly and swiftly as he could around the clearing toward the unsuspecting victim. Sliding to a halt behind a large tree, Leland saw the wolf lowering itself, as if getting set to spring. Leland opened his mouth to yell a warning, but the man was not as unaware as Leland assumed. The man spun to face the wolf, snarling and growling as he tore the clothes from his body. Leland, his mouth still hanging open, watched in total shock.
Almost too fast for Leland to follow, the man’s form shifted and changed. From two feet, he dropped to all fours, fingers and toes becoming sharp claws. Pale skin sprouted dark brown fur as his face elongated and his teeth became sharp points frothed with saliva.
The two wolves leapt at each other, meeting mid-flight to clash and fall to the earth, landing on steady feet, teeth bared as they snarled at each other. They circled, gazes locked, until they charged again.
Leland gripped the tree so tightly the bark dug into his palms as he watched the two animals fight it out. He was battling the urge to run for safety, not sure if the wolves would break apart and come after him instead. His body was telling him to stay where he was, hopefully well and truly hidden, but his brain was debating how safe it would be when one of the animals won and sensed a new victim nearby. Even though he knew one of them was, in fact, a man who had changed—shifted?—into a wolf, Leland found it hard to think of it as anything but an animal. He certainly wasn’t behaving like a human as he bit and tore at the other wolf’s hide. Leland also wondered what sort of condition the man-wolf would be in, assuming he survived the fight. His body was already streaked with blood from the attack.
It appeared the two wolves were well matched; neither seemed able to gain the upper hand in the battle. The dark grey wolf suddenly leapt and landed hard on the man-wolf’s back and he let out a howl, which soon turned into a snarl as he fought his way from beneath the dark grey animal. With a snap of his jaws and a growl, the man-wolf turned and ran for the cover of the trees opposite where Leland was hiding. The dark grey wolf tensed, as if to follow, before it limped a few steps back, eyes constantly searching the surrounding trees to ensure the other wolf didn’t return. After a few minutes, the wolf sat on its haunches and began to lick at its wounds.
Leland allowed himself to relax a little, deciding it was best he stay where he was. He was pretty sure the wolf would sneak off to its den as soon as the animal felt secure enough to move on. He kept a close eye on it, not allowing his caution to slide, though after a minute or so, he did wonder if perhaps he was more shocked than he’d thought or if maybe he was more tired than he’d realized and his vision was affected. He couldn’t be seeing what he thought; he couldn’t!...
Leland was of two minds what to do. His immediate reaction was to shout a warning, but that could induce the wolf to attack sooner. Cursing himself for being a fool, Leland ran as quietly and swiftly as he could around the clearing toward the unsuspecting victim. Sliding to a halt behind a large tree, Leland saw the wolf lowering itself, as if getting set to spring. Leland opened his mouth to yell a warning, but the man was not as unaware as Leland assumed. The man spun to face the wolf, snarling and growling as he tore the clothes from his body. Leland, his mouth still hanging open, watched in total shock.
Almost too fast for Leland to follow, the man’s form shifted and changed. From two feet, he dropped to all fours, fingers and toes becoming sharp claws. Pale skin sprouted dark brown fur as his face elongated and his teeth became sharp points frothed with saliva.
The two wolves leapt at each other, meeting mid-flight to clash and fall to the earth, landing on steady feet, teeth bared as they snarled at each other. They circled, gazes locked, until they charged again.
Leland gripped the tree so tightly the bark dug into his palms as he watched the two animals fight it out. He was battling the urge to run for safety, not sure if the wolves would break apart and come after him instead. His body was telling him to stay where he was, hopefully well and truly hidden, but his brain was debating how safe it would be when one of the animals won and sensed a new victim nearby. Even though he knew one of them was, in fact, a man who had changed—shifted?—into a wolf, Leland found it hard to think of it as anything but an animal. He certainly wasn’t behaving like a human as he bit and tore at the other wolf’s hide. Leland also wondered what sort of condition the man-wolf would be in, assuming he survived the fight. His body was already streaked with blood from the attack.
It appeared the two wolves were well matched; neither seemed able to gain the upper hand in the battle. The dark grey wolf suddenly leapt and landed hard on the man-wolf’s back and he let out a howl, which soon turned into a snarl as he fought his way from beneath the dark grey animal. With a snap of his jaws and a growl, the man-wolf turned and ran for the cover of the trees opposite where Leland was hiding. The dark grey wolf tensed, as if to follow, before it limped a few steps back, eyes constantly searching the surrounding trees to ensure the other wolf didn’t return. After a few minutes, the wolf sat on its haunches and began to lick at its wounds.
Leland allowed himself to relax a little, deciding it was best he stay where he was. He was pretty sure the wolf would sneak off to its den as soon as the animal felt secure enough to move on. He kept a close eye on it, not allowing his caution to slide, though after a minute or so, he did wonder if perhaps he was more shocked than he’d thought or if maybe he was more tired than he’d realized and his vision was affected. He couldn’t be seeing what he thought; he couldn’t!...
Monday, 17 June 2013
Against Type by Heidi Champa
A copyeditor for a pop culture blog called Scuttlebutt, Charlie “Fletch” Fletcher is content with his job, until screenwriter and film critic Adrian McGuire walks into Fletch’s life and disrupts everything. Well-known for being arrogant and pompous, Adrian wastes no time living up to his reputation while writing a column for the blog. After several rocky conversations, Fletch is happy to steer clear of the new arrival and stay out of the way of his insults. Until an email sent by Adrian that wasn’t meant for Fletch’s eyes changes everything between them.
It turns out, Adrian McGuire isn’t all he seems, and Fletch sees his chance to take the self-centered critic down a peg. When his plan backfires, Fletch finds himself working with his nemesis. And not only that, but when their angry friction explodes into equally fiery passion, Fletch discovers he’s unwittingly falling for the man who used to infuriate him.
Can Fletch and Adrian’s burgeoning relationship survive working together, or will all the secrets and lies tear them apart first?
Genres: Gay/Contemporary/The Arts
Heat Level: 3
Length: Novella (21k words)
Read a short excerpt...
...“Wow, this guy sounds like a real dick.”
“That’s one way to put it.”
My roommate Zach ordered another round of drinks, even though I was still only halfway through my first beer. As much as I wanted to get drunk, I couldn’t. Going out with Zach meant I always had to drive us home.
“I mean, the guy does have a way with words. I read his review on the site today. Very insightful.”
“Fuck you, Zach.”
“What? You know the guy knows what he’s talking about.”
“That’s no excuse for him to act like a total dick.”
“Sure it is. A little bit of power goes a long way to guys like this. You remember that guest professor we had in college. The one who’d written a million books on the Vietnam War. He was a total douche bag, too, but he was an expert. No arguing with that.”
“So, you’re saying I have to suck it up and deal with it?”
“Pretty much. You like your job, right?”
“And your boss thinks the sun shines out of this guy’s ass?”
“Pretty much.”
“Then, as much as it sucks, Fletch, you’ve got to do what the guy wants. Think of it this way…it’s less work for you.”
“I can’t help it. He rubs me the wrong way. Just because he wrote a couple of movies doesn’t mean his shit doesn’t stink.”
“Did you see the last one he wrote? The one with that hottie in it. That was a really good movie. In my opinion, anyway, even though everyone else hated it.”
“Who’s side are you on, man?”
“I would say yours, but you’re being kind of a whiny bitch right now.”
“So what if I am? I’ve listened to you go on and on about your job for years. The least you can do is put up with my shit.”
“I guess, but I’ve got other things on my mind tonight.”
“Oh, really? What’s that?”
“The new girl in my office—she’s gorgeous.”
“That settles it. She’s out of your league, Zach.”
“Screw you, Fletch. I have a better chance of getting the girl than you do of getting along with Adrian McGuire.”
“It’s not about getting along with him. It’s about not killing his arrogant ass.”
“Damn. I’ve never known you to have such a strong reaction to anyone. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say there was something else to this whole thing.”
“Like what?”
Zach looked past me toward the bar, and I knew without checking that he was trying to get the attention of a girl. When he finally dragged his attention back to me, he raised an eyebrow.
“Is this guy cute?”
“You heard me. I mean, I’ve never really seen the guy. Is he cute?”
I thought of Adrian and couldn’t stop the heat it caused to build up under my collar.
“Yeah, he’s really good looking. And I get the feeling he knows it.”
“I see.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“You’re attracted to this guy.”
“I am not.”
“Oh, really? Would you give one shit what this pompous douche thought if he weren’t hot?”
“I don’t care what Adrian McGuire thinks of me.”
“Sure you don’t. Whatever you say...”
Friday, 14 June 2013
May bestsellers
Next week, we start highlighting our upcoming pax collection, I Know What You Did..., but in the meantime, check out how well our Immortals stories did in the month of May!
1. Better Than Sex - Kim Dare (Gay/Contemporary)
2. Truth Or Lie - Lynn Lorenz (Gay/Fantasy)
3. Canines, Crosshairs And Corpses - Angel Martinez (Gay/Fantasy)
4. Witness Protection - Derek Adams (Gay/Suspense)
5. Something Rich And Strange - Helen Louise Caroll (Gay/Fantasy)
6. Art And Snowflakes - Sean Michael (Gay/Contemporary)
7. Club Arrest - D. J. Manly (Gay/Werewolf)
8. Mr. Wolfe - A. J. Llewellyn (Gay/Werewolf)
9. Deuce Of Diamonds - KC Kendricks (Gay/Contemporary)
10. The Carpenter And The Fairy - Cassandra Gold (Gay/Contemporary)
Congratulations, everyone!
1. Better Than Sex - Kim Dare (Gay/Contemporary)
2. Truth Or Lie - Lynn Lorenz (Gay/Fantasy)
3. Canines, Crosshairs And Corpses - Angel Martinez (Gay/Fantasy)
4. Witness Protection - Derek Adams (Gay/Suspense)
5. Something Rich And Strange - Helen Louise Caroll (Gay/Fantasy)
6. Art And Snowflakes - Sean Michael (Gay/Contemporary)
7. Club Arrest - D. J. Manly (Gay/Werewolf)
8. Mr. Wolfe - A. J. Llewellyn (Gay/Werewolf)
9. Deuce Of Diamonds - KC Kendricks (Gay/Contemporary)
10. The Carpenter And The Fairy - Cassandra Gold (Gay/Contemporary)
Congratulations, everyone!
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
New reviews
New reviews for recent pax releases!
Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses by Angel Martinez received 5 Kisses from Alison at Top 2 Bottom Reviews, saying "the characters are well-written, flawed, and real."
Chocolate Minx at Literary Nymphs Reviews gave Getting Real by Christiane France 4 Nymphs, calling it a "charming new beginnings story."
At MM Good Book Reviews, Tams gave The Beat by D.J. Manly 3 Hearts and said she was "wiping the steam off my Kindle by the end."
Serena Yates at Rainbow Reviews said By a Thread by L.A. Witt was "intensely emotional" and a "hot, sweet read."
Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses by Angel Martinez received 5 Kisses from Alison at Top 2 Bottom Reviews, saying "the characters are well-written, flawed, and real."
Chocolate Minx at Literary Nymphs Reviews gave Getting Real by Christiane France 4 Nymphs, calling it a "charming new beginnings story."
At MM Good Book Reviews, Tams gave The Beat by D.J. Manly 3 Hearts and said she was "wiping the steam off my Kindle by the end."
Friday, 7 June 2013
New reviews
New reviews for recent pax releases!
Jay at Joyfully Jay gave Test Drive by L.A. Witt 4 stars, calling it "a fun, steamy short story with a nice dash of hot car porn."
The Novel Approach calls The Tinkered Pinkerton by Helen Louise Caroll "imaginative" and "unique", giving it 4 stars.
At Hearts on Fire Reviews, JustJen gave Harnessing by D.J. Manly 4 Hearts, calling it "a really enjoyable story."
At Rainbow Reviews, Serena Yates reviewed Love for Sale by A.J. Llewellyn and said, "The writing is excellent, the pace exhilarating, and the number of funny scenes would make this a romantic comedy were they not balanced by some really serious issues."
The Novel Approach calls The Tinkered Pinkerton by Helen Louise Caroll "imaginative" and "unique", giving it 4 stars.
At Hearts on Fire Reviews, JustJen gave Harnessing by D.J. Manly 4 Hearts, calling it "a really enjoyable story."
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